Bachelor Grandpa

error 404? not enough cc's in my girlfriend's new tits

error 404? not enough cc's in my girlfriend's new tits  Bachelor Grandpa

Haven't been up this early since 'nam

Haven't been up this early  since 'nam  Bachelor Grandpa

Alicia Keys? I'm an old popcorn fart but even i know shakira looks better

Alicia Keys? I'm an old popcorn fart but even i know shakira looks better  Bachelor Grandpa

R U my son? I thought i did ure mom last night!

R U my son? I thought i did ure mom last night!   Bachelor Grandpa

Reddit? No I seen it on FoxNews

Reddit? No I seen it on FoxNews  Bachelor Grandpa


Memes? ONLY HOMOS ARE SILENT  Bachelor Grandpa

I have lou garrison disease but at least im not friends with langrock

I have lou garrison disease but at least im not friends with langrock  Bachelor Grandpa

Old enough to pee old enough for me

Old enough to pee old enough for me  Bachelor Grandpa

you only talk small change i've dealt with millions of dollars in my day

you only talk small change i've dealt with millions of dollars in my day  Bachelor Grandpa

I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.  Bachelor Grandpa
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