Baby Godfather

why am im i bald tickle him until he talks

why am im i bald tickle him until he talks  Baby Godfather

Los quiero muertos, me escuchaste? Muertos

Los quiero muertos, me escuchaste? Muertos  Baby Godfather

I want his whole family dead, you hear me? Dead

I want his whole family dead, you hear me? Dead  Baby Godfather

Give me your fucking chips pronto Tell em what happens Jerry

Give me your fucking chips pronto Tell em what happens Jerry  Baby Godfather

called me a dork Burn his house down

called me a dork Burn his house down   Baby Godfather

po pres deri ne oren 8 po nuk erdhe do te thyej brinjet

po pres deri ne oren 8 po nuk erdhe do te thyej brinjet  Baby Godfather

Hey Smartass You some kinda baby fucking einstein?

Hey Smartass You some kinda baby fucking einstein?  Baby Godfather

you tell little susie, next time we play house and she's not in the kitchen she'll have more to worry about than just a wet diaper!

you tell little susie, next time we play house and she's not in the kitchen she'll have more to worry about than just a wet diaper!   Baby Godfather

Motherfucker... I warned you i'm not potty trained

Motherfucker... I warned you i'm not potty trained  Baby Godfather

Next time you call me Fungus I'll smash your face in

Next time you call me Fungus I'll smash your face in   Baby Godfather
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