Awesome Michael J Fox

buys etch-a-sketch has mental breakdown

buys etch-a-sketch has mental breakdown  Awesome Michael J Fox

Can shake hands all day without taking a break

Can shake hands all day without taking a break  Awesome Michael J Fox

has parkinsons makes fun of parkinsons

has parkinsons makes fun of parkinsons  Awesome Michael J Fox

Goes Back IN Time Sleeps With Your Mother

Goes Back IN Time Sleeps With Your Mother  Awesome Michael J Fox

   Awesome Michael J Fox


SMH   Awesome Michael J Fox

   Awesome Michael J Fox

Want me to stand still? Why don't you suck your own cock?

Want me to stand still? Why don't you suck your own cock?  Awesome Michael J Fox

Cameraman... ...for Blair Witch Project

Cameraman... ...for Blair Witch Project  Awesome Michael J Fox

Michael J Fox doesn't shake his Xmas gifts He holds them

Michael J Fox doesn't shake his Xmas gifts He holds them  Awesome Michael J Fox
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