Awesome Michael J Fox

I've evented vibrating feet warmers... I'm calling them Michael J Sox

I've evented vibrating feet warmers... I'm calling them Michael J Sox  Awesome Michael J Fox

sodjfsodfkj jdfhsidfhnwk

sodjfsodfkj jdfhsidfhnwk  Awesome Michael J Fox

Reacquainted with vaporizers Back to the fewer tar Pipe 2

Reacquainted with vaporizers Back to the fewer tar
Pipe 2  Awesome Michael J Fox

Martini? Let me guess Shaken not Stirred

Let me guess Shaken not Stirred  Awesome Michael J Fox

Orders a martini Shaken

Orders a martini Shaken  Awesome Michael J Fox

Makes fun of you for being overweight Forced to exercise constantly

Makes fun of you for being overweight Forced to exercise constantly  Awesome Michael J Fox

Went to Haiti asked "whats shakin"

Went to Haiti  asked

What flavor of ice cream would you like on your cone? It doesnt matter, I'm just gonna drop the fucking thing anyways

What flavor of ice cream would you like on your cone? It doesnt matter, I'm just gonna drop the fucking thing anyways  Awesome Michael J Fox

"you should've been on west wing..." was in the prequel

Always gets The last drop of A1 Steak sauce

Always gets The last drop of A1 Steak sauce  Awesome Michael J Fox
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