Average Canadian

stranger asks for directions Primary objective has changed

stranger asks for directions Primary objective has changed  Average Canadian

Holds Door open Genuinely happy to help

Holds Door open Genuinely happy to help  Average Canadian

Sorry aboot the summer olympics I'll try harder in the winter, eh?

Sorry aboot the summer olympics I'll try harder in the winter, eh?  Average Canadian

Given American Currency in Change Accepts it at face value

Given American Currency in Change Accepts it at face value  Average Canadian

Bump into furniture Apologizes

Bump into furniture Apologizes  Average Canadian

I was walking and cut a girl off... she told me she was sorry

I was walking and cut a girl off... she told me she was sorry  Average Canadian

Claims to be American for living in North America Gets mad at Europeans for asking if American

Claims to be American for living in North America Gets mad at Europeans for asking if American  Average Canadian

totally nice to everyone won't stop talking shit on toronto

totally nice to everyone won't stop talking shit on toronto  Average Canadian

Cuts you off at Tim Hortons drive-thru pays for your order

Cuts you off at Tim Hortons drive-thru pays for your order  Average Canadian

-20 outside "swimsuit time"

-20 outside
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