Average Canadian

Canadian Redditor makes a meme complaining about people being mean to canadians I'm sorry about that guy

Canadian Redditor makes a meme complaining about people being mean to canadians I'm sorry about that guy  Average Canadian

free coffee at mcdonalds pay full price at tim horton's to play roll up the rim

free coffee at mcdonalds pay full price at tim horton's to play roll up the rim  Average Canadian

fuck pennies who needs 'em?

fuck pennies who needs 'em?  Average Canadian

Moves out of Canada puts a maple leaf on everything he ownes

Moves out of Canada puts a maple leaf on everything he ownes  Average Canadian

wants to watch online video "video not available in your country."

wants to watch online video

Holds door open "Oh, I'm soary, eh!"

Holds door open

Almost warm enough outside to walk and text at the same time

Almost warm enough outside to walk and text at the same time  Average Canadian

weather is just above freezing shorts and sandals from here to november

weather is just above freezing shorts and sandals from here to november  Average Canadian

A new daily show video? time to switch my browser to firefox

A new daily show video? time to switch my browser to firefox  Average Canadian

bumped into by stranger apologize

bumped into by stranger apologize  Average Canadian
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