Art Student Owl

I'm a loser? I didn't break a clothes rack with a mattress

I'm a loser? I didn't break a clothes rack with a mattress  Art Student Owl

2am Oh good I can go to sleep early

2am Oh good I can go to sleep early  Art Student Owl

Perpetuate stigma that artists are penniless bums Successfully make yourself look like uneducated troglodyte.

Perpetuate stigma that artists are penniless bums Successfully make yourself look like uneducated troglodyte.  Art Student Owl

I make art because it's fun! obviously a freshmen

I make art because it's fun! obviously a freshmen  Art Student Owl

Yeah, i go to parsons "omgsh, that's where they shoot project runway!"

Yeah, i go to parsons

I express myself through art currently paying thousands of dollars a year to learn how to make art

I express myself through art currently paying thousands of dollars a year to learn how to make art  Art Student Owl

imagines the painting perfectly painting doesn't turn out the same

imagines the painting perfectly painting doesn't turn out the same    Art Student Owl

Sign in front of building says "no smoking in this area" 5 kids are smoking 5 feet away

Sign in front of building says

friend switches major to photography and complains about the price of film. Bitch, you don't even know.

friend switches major to photography and complains about the price of film. Bitch, you don't even know.  Art Student Owl

The standards of the liberal modern age claim to be open minded and tolerant but they are not so, insisting for example that everyone follow down the path of disembellishing language abusing those who are reluctant to do so

The standards of the liberal modern age claim to be open minded and tolerant but they are not so, insisting for example that everyone follow down the path of disembellishing language abusing those who are reluctant to do so   Art Student Owl
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