Art Student Owl

Prefers Cuban Cigars Will Smoke Anything Available

Prefers Cuban Cigars Will Smoke Anything Available  Art Student Owl

Freshman places Dirty cup in sink Wonders where all the cups are going

Freshman places Dirty cup in sink Wonders where all the cups are going  Art Student Owl

i get laid every single that that my 200 pound girlfriend comes down from michigan

i get laid every single that that my 200 pound girlfriend comes down from michigan  Art Student Owl

Charcoal on my face Someone putty rubber my head

Charcoal on my face Someone putty rubber my head  Art Student Owl

Who who who who Has my teeth

Who who who who Has my teeth  Art Student Owl

Buys all art supplies since starting college Incoming freshmen get it all for free.

Buys all art supplies since starting college Incoming freshmen get it all for free.   Art Student Owl

New ERA EA CS Apples are tasty

New ERA EA CS Apples are tasty  Art Student Owl

Decide to Embroider alphabet book. Bleed all over "r"

Decide to Embroider alphabet book. Bleed all over

WTF is atelectasis!? decrease in alveolar ventilation obv....

WTF is atelectasis!? decrease in alveolar ventilation obv....  Art Student Owl


DRINK ink  Art Student Owl
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