Art Student Owl

Want to apply for jobs and make a good impression Hands always filthy with unremovable ink/paint

Want to apply for jobs and make a good impression Hands always filthy with unremovable ink/paint  Art Student Owl

Study art Age facially by 20 years in a mere 3

Study art Age facially by 20 years in a mere 3  Art Student Owl

So I gave that bitch some crafts bitches love crafts xo your big

So I gave that bitch some crafts bitches love crafts xo your big  Art Student Owl

Music major complains about concert etiquette eats food at gallery openings and leaves

Music major complains about concert etiquette eats food at gallery openings and leaves  Art Student Owl

Majors in art history Only found use is to teach more art history majors

Majors in art history Only found use is to teach more art history majors  Art Student Owl

complains about homework fingerpainting

complains about homework fingerpainting  Art Student Owl

my perfume? eau de turpentine

my perfume? eau de turpentine  Art Student Owl



 BEFORE IT WAS COOL  Art Student Owl

makes shitty drawing for class ten minutes beforehand "I was going for a more "minimilastic" look here"

makes shitty drawing for class ten minutes beforehand

makes piece about consumerism on their macbook pro

makes piece about consumerism on their macbook pro  Art Student Owl
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