Art Student Owl

go to sleep early 4 Am. HI Art school, goodbye sleep

go to sleep early 4 Am. HI Art school, goodbye sleep  Art Student Owl

sees his neice's stickman drawing: "what is this crap supposed to be?" draws a square: "i'm friggin' brilliant!"

sees his neice's stickman drawing:

Just because it lacks melody, harmony and coherence... ...doesn't mean it's not music.

Just because it lacks melody, harmony and coherence... ...doesn't mean it's not music.  Art Student Owl

glad those AP credits transferred AP table waiting

glad those AP credits transferred  AP table waiting  Art Student Owl

This is my representation of the corrupt society we live in. sticks pieces of trash together

This is my representation of the corrupt society we live in. sticks pieces of trash together  Art Student Owl

Photography department saftey course "you will leave here with a degree... and cancer"

Photography department saftey course

non-artist friend grabs lumocolor to write something down scream inside

non-artist friend grabs lumocolor to write something down scream inside  Art Student Owl

   Art Student Owl

Friend asks to give her a tattoo suddenly lose artistic ability

Friend asks to give her a tattoo suddenly lose artistic ability  Art Student Owl

drop pencil during critique atomic bomb

drop pencil during critique atomic bomb  Art Student Owl
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