Art Student Owl

Discover Puppet Warp Life changed forever.

Discover Puppet Warp Life changed forever.  Art Student Owl

spends three weeks sketching possible logos for college project realizes every one of them looks like a vagina on day of crit

spends three weeks sketching possible logos for college project realizes every one of them looks like a vagina on day of crit  Art Student Owl

Fuck Gesso

Fuck Gesso  Art Student Owl

dear acrylic paint manufacturers, I really do enjoy painting the same spot yellow 5 times.

dear acrylic paint manufacturers, I really do enjoy painting the same spot yellow 5 times.  Art Student Owl

Bugs Bunny and daffy duck... ..are not 'furries' you bloody idiots.

Bugs Bunny and daffy duck... ..are not 'furries' you bloody idiots.    Art Student Owl

Sub, paint, beer Shopping list and to-do list are the same

Sub, paint, beer Shopping list and to-do list are the same  Art Student Owl

major in art spend rest of life living in a cardboard box under a bridge

major in art spend rest of life living in a cardboard box under a bridge  Art Student Owl

Spends hours looking at art student owl memes instead of drawing

Spends hours looking at art student owl memes instead of drawing  Art Student Owl

pull an all nighter working in adobe programs try to control+s Facebook

pull an all nighter working in adobe programs try to control+s Facebook  Art Student Owl

Teacher doesnt believe in praise until the end of the semester you've lost all sanity by that point.

Teacher doesnt believe in praise until the end of the semester you've lost all sanity by that point.  Art Student Owl
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