
Jenkins fetch me some chicken I want to sniff it then walk away

Jenkins fetch me some chicken I want to sniff it then walk away  Aristocat

Jenkins, bring me my meme I have karma to make

Jenkins, bring me my meme I have karma to make  Aristocat

Jeeves, prepare your greatest box of litter I wish to relieve myself right next to it

Jeeves, prepare your greatest box of litter I wish to relieve myself right next to it  Aristocat

rub my nose in it? smathers, summon my stand-in

rub my nose in it? smathers, summon my stand-in  Aristocat

Jeeves, I wish to go out for a good romp All over your crotch while you're sleeping

Jeeves, I wish to go out for a good romp All over your crotch while you're sleeping  Aristocat

Jeeves, pack up the suitcase I wish to lay in it.

Jeeves, pack up the suitcase I wish to lay in it.  Aristocat

Prepare your tongue alfred it's bath time

Prepare your tongue alfred it's bath time  Aristocat

Wadsworth polo this afternoon, you old pussy!

Wadsworth polo this afternoon, you old pussy!  Aristocat

Disregard poor people acquire more currency

Disregard poor people
 acquire more currency  Aristocat

Homeless shelter litterbox

Homeless shelter litterbox  Aristocat
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