Anti-Joke Chicken

How do you kill a dumb blonde? With a gun

How do you kill a dumb blonde? With a gun  Anti-Joke Chicken

Elvis, The Pope, and a tampon walk into a bar Turns out it wasn't a tampon, just a guy dressed up like a tampon.

Elvis, The Pope, and a tampon walk into a bar Turns out it wasn't a tampon, just a guy dressed up like a tampon.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What did Stephen Harper say to Stephen Hawking? Nothing. Conservatives have an antagonistic relationship with the scientific community.

What did Stephen Harper say to Stephen Hawking? Nothing. Conservatives have an antagonistic relationship with the scientific community.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What did the Mexican do in the shower? Washed his body with soap and water

What did the Mexican do in the shower? Washed his body with soap and water  Anti-Joke Chicken

how do you make a plumber cry? you kill his entire family

how do you make a plumber cry? you kill his entire family  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why can't Ray Charles read? He's blind.

Why can't Ray Charles read? He's blind.  Anti-Joke Chicken

what does "kfc" stand for? killing fucking chickens

what does

You know what I really enjoy about this picture? Nothing. The Imguraffe is dead.

You know what I really enjoy about this picture? Nothing. The Imguraffe is dead.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the chicken cross the road? You didn't cook it! ~Gordon Ramsey

Why did the chicken cross the road? You didn't cook it! ~Gordon Ramsey  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why are black people good at basketball? Hard work and dedication

Why are black people good at basketball? Hard work and dedication  Anti-Joke Chicken
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