Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call a muslim flying a plane? A pilot

What do you call a muslim flying a plane? A pilot  Anti-Joke Chicken

Mexican parents buy new huge HDTV and box Only watches the spanish channel in standard def.

Mexican parents buy new huge HDTV and box Only watches the spanish channel in standard def.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why are many men afraid to dance? Two words: Spontaneous Erections

Why are many men afraid to dance? Two words:
Spontaneous Erections  Anti-Joke Chicken

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny? No. Please stop talking to me.

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny? No. Please stop talking to me.  Anti-Joke Chicken

what did the orphan get for christmas? cancer.

what did the orphan get for christmas? cancer.  Anti-Joke Chicken

what's your favorite clothing store? you're much better off going somewhere else

what's your favorite clothing store? you're much better off going somewhere else  Anti-Joke Chicken

What's the difference between a black man and a park bench? One is a human being. the other is a lifeless object.

What's the difference between a black man and a park bench? One is a human being. the other is a lifeless object.  Anti-Joke Chicken

how many jews does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two one to screw it in and one to spot him so he doesn't fall off of the ladder

how many jews does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two
one to screw it in 
and one to spot him so he doesn't fall off of the ladder  Anti-Joke Chicken

What did the black woman get when she had an abortion? An abortion

What did the black woman get when she had an abortion? An abortion  Anti-Joke Chicken

I don't drink beer often, but when i do i hate the taste

I don't drink beer often, but when i do i hate the taste  Anti-Joke Chicken
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