Anti-Joke Chicken

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? The holocaust

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? The holocaust  Anti-Joke Chicken

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Getting hit by Kevin

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Getting hit by Kevin  Anti-Joke Chicken

OMG i was up until like, 2am last night waiting on my pregnant wife to get home from the hospital

OMG i was up until like, 2am last night waiting on my pregnant wife to get home from the hospital  Anti-Joke Chicken

In Soviet Russia you drive your car, fill it up with gas, and park it. Just like in America

In Soviet Russia you drive your car, fill it up with gas,  and park it. Just like in America  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the old woman put roller skates on her rocking chair? She had dementia

Why did the old woman put roller skates on her rocking chair? She had dementia  Anti-Joke Chicken

A Christian, a Jew and a Muslim walk into a bar in Tel Aviv..... They butchered each other over religious differences

A Christian, a Jew and a Muslim walk into a bar in Tel Aviv..... They butchered each other over religious differences  Anti-Joke Chicken

Hvad er det gode ved 5 drenge paa skype i stedet for at skrive SSO? Intet, de dumper deres eksamen

Hvad er det gode ved 5 drenge paa skype i stedet for at skrive SSO? Intet, de dumper deres eksamen  Anti-Joke Chicken CTRl+c CTRl+V CTRl+c   CTRl+V  Anti-Joke Chicken

Aparat dentar? felicitari, vei avea dințti drepti!

Aparat dentar? felicitari, vei avea dințti drepti!  Anti-Joke Chicken

A man comes out of open heart surgery Its a miricle he survived

A man comes out of open heart surgery  Its a miricle he survived   Anti-Joke Chicken
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