Anti-Joke Chicken


FREE SPECKLED JIM  Anti-Joke Chicken

Yo mamas so ugly She has difficulty attracting members of the opposite sex

Yo mamas so ugly She has difficulty attracting members of the opposite sex  Anti-Joke Chicken

Knock knock, who's there? the mailman. please sign for this package

Knock knock, who's there? the mailman. please sign for this package  Anti-Joke Chicken

why? Because

why? Because  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why can't Micheal J Fox draw a perfect circle? Because drawing a perfect circle is impossible for any human.

Why can't Micheal J Fox draw a perfect circle? 
 Because drawing a perfect circle is impossible for any human.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What did the officer say to the black man? Hello.

What did the officer say to the black man? Hello.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the lion cry? poachers murdered the rest of his pride.

Why did the lion cry? poachers murdered the rest of his pride.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the kid fall off the bike? He's a quadropalegic.

Why did the kid fall off the bike? He's a quadropalegic.   Anti-Joke Chicken

What's black, white, and red all over? a nun shot in darfur

What's black, white, and red all over? a nun shot in darfur  Anti-Joke Chicken

Yo mama's so fat she's going to die

Yo mama's so fat she's going to die  Anti-Joke Chicken
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