Anti-Joke Chicken

What happens when a sexually assaulted Muslim german woman screams the number 9 in english? If I had a time machine I'd place the Prophet Muhammad under phsychiatric care

What happens when a sexually assaulted Muslim german woman screams the number 9 in english? If I had a time machine I'd place the Prophet Muhammad under phsychiatric care  Anti-Joke Chicken

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks 'Why the long face?' The horse says 'My wife is dying of cancer'

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks 'Why the long face?' The horse says 'My wife is dying of cancer'  Anti-Joke Chicken

In what month do people talk the least? February - Because it's the shortest month of the year

In what month do people talk the least? February - Because it's the shortest month of the year  Anti-Joke Chicken

If a bear shits in the woods and there aren't any pigs around but the shit smells like pork... you're the shit

If a bear shits in the woods and there aren't any pigs around but the shit smells like pork... you're the shit  Anti-Joke Chicken

How do you make a plumber cry? Kill his family

How do you make a plumber cry? Kill his family  Anti-Joke Chicken

Monsanto genetically modified all our food. Now they're going to take our guns away.

Monsanto genetically modified all our food. Now they're going to take our guns away.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Not sure if she owns a mountain bike Or she's up for tonight

Not sure if she owns a mountain bike Or she's up for tonight  Anti-Joke Chicken

a horse walks into a bar. he was promptly escorted out.

a horse walks into a bar. he was promptly escorted out.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call a ginger who looks like Blunts down syndrome cousin? Fail Cock HEad

What do you call a ginger who looks like Blunts down syndrome cousin? Fail Cock HEad  Anti-Joke Chicken

A guy finds a fly in his soup. He gets a new bowl of soup.

A guy finds a fly in his soup. He gets a new bowl of soup.  Anti-Joke Chicken
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