Anti-Joke Chicken

how many homosexuals does it take to mow the lawn? one.

how many homosexuals does it take to mow the lawn? one.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the chicken cross the road? ( Sometimes I speak in third chicken )

Why did the chicken cross the road? ( Sometimes I speak in 
third chicken )  Anti-Joke Chicken

What did the fish say when it ran into the wall Nothing, fish can't speak

What did the fish say when it ran into the wall Nothing, fish can't speak  Anti-Joke Chicken

So a terrorist walks into a bar... AND GETS ARRESTED

So a terrorist walks into a bar... AND GETS ARRESTED  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why was Jimmy sad? Because his father was gunned down in front of him.

Why was Jimmy sad? Because his father was gunned down in front of him.  Anti-Joke Chicken

what's worse than finding a worm in your apple? the holocaust

what's worse than finding a worm in your apple? the holocaust  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the chicken cough and crap on the road? because he has chlamydophilia psittaci, and now you do too

Why did the chicken cough and crap on the road? because he has chlamydophilia psittaci, and now you do too  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call a black guy riding a bike? A Cyclist.

What do you call a black guy riding a bike? A Cyclist.  Anti-Joke Chicken

did you hear what happened to six when seven ate nine? me either

did you hear what happened to six when seven ate nine? me either  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the boy drop his ice cream? Because of muscular dystrophy.

Why did the boy drop his ice cream? Because of muscular dystrophy.  Anti-Joke Chicken
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