Anti-Joke Chicken

Why was the little boy sad on Christmas? Someone murdered his family and stole his presents.

Why was the little boy sad on Christmas? Someone murdered his family and stole his presents.  Anti-Joke Chicken

What's black, blue, and hates sex? A rape victim

What's black, blue, and hates sex? A rape victim  Anti-Joke Chicken

What do cows and grass have in common? They both say moo. except for grass.

What do cows and grass have in common? They both say moo. except for grass.  Anti-Joke Chicken

what do you call an elephant in a phone booth DEAD

what do you call an elephant in a phone booth  DEAD  Anti-Joke Chicken

why did the chicken cross the road arvin herpderp

why did the chicken cross the road arvin herpderp  Anti-Joke Chicken

Knock, Knock It's the police you're going to jail

Knock, Knock It's the police you're going to jail  Anti-Joke Chicken

Knock Knock Who's there? The police, there has been a horrible car accident

Knock Knock
Who's there? The police, there has been a horrible car accident  Anti-Joke Chicken

I have 99 Problems I should get started

I have 99 Problems I should get started  Anti-Joke Chicken

why didn't the octopus have any friends? because they are antisocial creatures by nature

why didn't the octopus have any friends? because they are antisocial creatures by nature  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did jenny fall off of the swings? quadriplegic

Why did jenny fall off of the swings? quadriplegic  Anti-Joke Chicken
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