Anti-Joke Chicken

What do you call a Mexican guy living in a tree? An environmental Activist

What do you call a Mexican guy living in a tree? An environmental Activist  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the plane crash? Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.

Why did the plane crash? Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.  Anti-Joke Chicken

"doctor doctor, it hurts when i poke my knee" "that would be because you have fractured it and will never walk again"

Wanna know what makes me smile? face muscles

Wanna know what makes me smile? face muscles  Anti-Joke Chicken

How do you kill a blonde? with a knife

How do you kill a blonde? with a knife  Anti-Joke Chicken

A guy walks into a bar and takes 17 shots 15 dead 2 injured

A guy walks into a bar and takes 17 shots 15 dead 2 injured  Anti-Joke Chicken

So a guy walks into a bar He died on impact

So a guy walks into a bar He died on impact  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why was the guitarist arrested? He was a pedophile

Why was the guitarist arrested? He was a pedophile  Anti-Joke Chicken

knock knock Ring the doorbell asshole!

knock knock Ring the doorbell asshole!  Anti-Joke Chicken

why did the chicken cross the street? chickens don't know what streets are and therefore do not realize they are crossing anything

why did the chicken cross the street? chickens don't know what streets are and therefore do not realize they are crossing anything  Anti-Joke Chicken
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