Anti-Joke Chicken

If Adam and Eve were white and evolution doesn't exist, then how are there black people? Micro-evolution exists.

If Adam and Eve were white and evolution doesn't exist, then how are there black people? Micro-evolution exists.  Anti-Joke Chicken

is that a banana in your pocket? yes

is that a banana in your pocket? yes  Anti-Joke Chicken

what's better than serving you country? Not having post traumatic stress disorder

what's better than serving you country? Not having post traumatic stress disorder  Anti-Joke Chicken

I would make an erection joke But I lost my train of thought and felt the task was too difficult

I would make an erection joke But I lost my train of thought and felt the task was too difficult  Anti-Joke Chicken

What's Red and hurts your teeth? A brick.

What's Red and hurts your teeth? A brick.  Anti-Joke Chicken

suck my... me?

suck my... me?  Anti-Joke Chicken

knock, knock... come in

knock, knock... come in  Anti-Joke Chicken

Mussolini and hitler walks into a bar even though they died 1945

Mussolini and hitler walks into a bar even though they died 1945  Anti-Joke Chicken

Your mom is so fat she jumped up and got stuck ol fat bitch

Your mom is so fat she jumped up and got stuck ol fat bitch  Anti-Joke Chicken

What killed the cat? Feline Leukemia.

What killed the cat? Feline Leukemia.  Anti-Joke Chicken
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