Anti-Joke Chicken

cockadoodledo wake up ya drunks

cockadoodledo wake up ya drunks  Anti-Joke Chicken

whats brown and sticky? a stick

whats brown and sticky? a stick  Anti-Joke Chicken

They faked an orgasm? you're bad at sex

They faked an orgasm? you're bad at sex  Anti-Joke Chicken

What's the difference between Diabetes and AIDs Diabetes is a chronic (lifelong) disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood while aids is the final stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system

What's the difference between Diabetes and AIDs Diabetes is a chronic (lifelong) disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood while aids is the final stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system  Anti-Joke Chicken

Have you ever tried Ethiopian food? Nah? Neither have they

Have you ever tried Ethiopian food?  Nah? Neither have they  Anti-Joke Chicken

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks "Why the long face?". The horse, incapable of understanding the human language promptly shits on the floor and leaves Caption 3 goes here

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks

I had a three legged dog named lucky It got hit by a bus

I had a three legged dog named lucky It got hit by a bus  Anti-Joke Chicken

what do you call a muslim flying a plane? A pilot

what do you call a muslim flying a plane? A pilot  Anti-Joke Chicken

The human torch denied a bank loan probablt because he was most likely on fire

The human torch denied a bank loan probablt because he was most likely on fire  Anti-Joke Chicken

Knock Knock It's open

Knock Knock It's open  Anti-Joke Chicken
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