Anthropology Major Fox

Take Osteology Forget how to spell "humorous"

Take Osteology Forget how to spell

No idea how this object was used It's ritual

No idea how this object was used It's ritual  Anthropology Major Fox

anthropology fox hotter than sociology bear

anthropology fox hotter than sociology bear  Anthropology Major Fox

"Totem poles are from South America, right?" I will stab you in the face

"The Mayans disappeared mysteriously" I'll make you disappear mysteriously

Anthropology Stalking, for Science!!!!!

Anthropology Stalking,                         for Science!!!!!  Anthropology Major Fox

Hey socially awkward creepy girl that spends all day in the Anthro. department lounge You aren't Bones. Get some friends and drink beer.

Hey socially  awkward creepy girl that spends all day in the Anthro. department lounge You aren't Bones. 
 Get some friends and drink beer.  Anthropology Major Fox

Thick description like a boss

Thick description like a boss  Anthropology Major Fox

most scientific of the humanities, most humanistic of the sciences Fuck Yeah Anthropology!

most scientific of the humanities, most humanistic of the sciences Fuck Yeah Anthropology!  Anthropology Major Fox

Excited about an anthropology meme wonders about cultural significance of the advent of memes

Excited about an anthropology meme wonders about cultural significance of the advent of memes  Anthropology Major Fox
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