Anthropology Major Fox

"but the maya predicted a 2012 doomsday so it must be true!" I'll show you doomsday, you moron

Need to sit down to do paperwork while digging on a site... Flip over a bucket.

Need to sit down to do paperwork while digging on a site... Flip over a bucket.   Anthropology Major Fox

Dress as Indiana Jones for Halloween. Feel meta.

Dress as Indiana Jones for Halloween. Feel meta.  Anthropology Major Fox

Halloween Count all of the racist costumes

Halloween Count all of the racist costumes  Anthropology Major Fox

"Problematize" is too a word And it's what i'm doing to what you're doing right now

Nanuk Of the North is Hillarious

Nanuk Of the North is Hillarious  Anthropology Major Fox

Meet local village boy when travelling Find it a turn-on when he tells you he needs to 'explain the way people think here' to you

Meet local village boy when travelling Find it a turn-on when he tells you he needs to 'explain the way people think here' to you  Anthropology Major Fox

Wrote an ethnography about Papua New Guinea? ...nope, not god's gift to Anthropology

Wrote an ethnography about Papua New Guinea? ...nope, not god's gift to Anthropology  Anthropology Major Fox

Spend first half of intro to anthropology course reading about the trobianders fucking yams man how do they work?

Spend first half of intro to anthropology course reading about the trobianders fucking yams man how do they work?  Anthropology Major Fox

Watch star Trek Screw captaining, I want to be a xenoanthropologist

Watch star Trek Screw captaining, I want to be a xenoanthropologist  Anthropology Major Fox
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