Anthropology Major Fox

Watch Gargoyles at one Am See episode about the haida and freak out

Watch Gargoyles at one Am See episode about the haida and freak out  Anthropology Major Fox

Forensic Anthropology When discussions of sexing using long bones isn't dirty

Forensic Anthropology When discussions of sexing using long bones isn't dirty  Anthropology Major Fox

Everyone drinks Arrowhead water Drinks clovis

Everyone drinks Arrowhead water Drinks clovis  Anthropology Major Fox

CURIOUS GEORGE... you are an APE not a monkey!

CURIOUS GEORGE... you are an APE not a monkey!   Anthropology Major Fox

Anthropology of sexuality don't tell your mom where you do your field work

Anthropology of sexuality  don't tell your mom where you do your field work  Anthropology Major Fox

Your curses are four-letter words that deserve detention My curses are complex thoughts that deserve a shaman's blessing

Your curses are four-letter words that deserve detention My curses are complex thoughts that deserve a shaman's blessing  Anthropology Major Fox

"Oh, so you study dinosaurs" I will stab you with my chatelperron knife

Archaeologists are hufflepuffs They are particularly good finders

Archaeologists are hufflepuffs They are particularly good finders  Anthropology Major Fox

Tell Grandmother your major " You study Ants?!"

Tell Grandmother your major

Goes to pride Not sure whether to do an ethnographic survey or dance shirtless all night long

Goes to pride Not sure whether to do an ethnographic survey or dance shirtless all night long  Anthropology Major Fox
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