Annoying Metal Kid

Everything I know about metal I learned from Cartoon network

Everything I know about metal I learned from Cartoon network  Annoying Metal Kid

"yeah, I'm a satanist" laveyan

wardrobe: metallica shirts and nothing else

wardrobe:  metallica shirts and nothing else  Annoying Metal Kid

"Punk is for pussies." Listens to Guns N Roses and Motley Crue

"Wanna see sumthin c00l I made up?" Back In black cover

COnstantly Complains about Enter Sandman It's the only metal song he can play on guitar

COnstantly Complains about Enter Sandman It's the only metal song he can play on guitar  Annoying Metal Kid

calls himself a guitarist only knows 3 power chords and smoke on the water

calls himself a guitarist only knows 3 power chords and smoke on the water  Annoying Metal Kid

check out my skills PUts all full distortion and taps for 2 minutes

check out my skills PUts all full distortion and taps for 2 minutes   Annoying Metal Kid

goes to guitar center: Plays spastic trash "I AM the guitar hero!"

goes to guitar center: Plays spastic trash

Gain: 10 Mids: 0 Sounds metal.

Gain: 10 Mids: 0 Sounds metal.  Annoying Metal Kid
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