Annoying Facebook Couple

uploaded new profile picture omg honey, you look amazzzinng <3<3 like!

uploaded new profile picture omg honey, you look amazzzinng <3<3 like!  Annoying Facebook Couple

have a fight about nothing change relationship status to "Its complicated"

have a fight about nothing change relationship status to

Done with that jerk/bitch forever this time. I really mean it. Refriend in 2 days!

Done with that jerk/bitch forever this time. I really mean it. Refriend in 2 days!  Annoying Facebook Couple

Omg I don't know what I'd do without you Sleeping with you best friend, made when you break up with her

Omg I don't know what I'd do without you Sleeping with you best friend, made when you break up with her  Annoying Facebook Couple

same profile picture of them together never know who's status it is

same profile picture of them together never know who's status it is  Annoying Facebook Couple

Posts status updates every few hours Always says "I love him/her <3"

Posts status updates every few hours Always says

You're just "jealous" because she found her soulmate Just like you were "jealous" of her last 4 soulmates

You're just

When they were each single: "Why do people announce everything on FB???" Now: "Just had amazing sex!"

When they were each single:

he has always been there for her... ...during the whole 5 months since they met

he has always been there for her... ...during the whole 5 months since they met  Annoying Facebook Couple

posts daily countdown until they see each other next starting at day 30

posts daily countdown until they see each other next starting at day 30  Annoying Facebook Couple
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