Annoyed Picard

what the fuck is queensland rail

what the fuck is queensland rail  Annoyed Picard

HOW the fuck Can you afford that much food and your mortgage

HOW the fuck Can you afford that much food and your mortgage  Annoyed Picard

why the fuck Was Kate Middleton wandering outside topless?

why the fuck Was Kate Middleton wandering outside topless?  Annoyed Picard

why the fuck do I need to watch an advertisement for a fucking advertisment?

why the fuck do I need to watch an advertisement for a fucking advertisment?   Annoyed Picard

why the fuck is he making void rays against terran

why the fuck is he making void rays against terran  Annoyed Picard

How the fuck did the cat unlock the screen?

How the fuck did the cat unlock the screen?  Annoyed Picard

why the fuck are people still freaking out?

why the fuck are people still freaking out?  Annoyed Picard

who the fuck does this guy think he is?

who the fuck does this guy think he is?  Annoyed Picard

How the fuck Did people start calling you bonerfart?

How the fuck Did people start calling you bonerfart?  Annoyed Picard

who the fuck wants to read all of that

who the fuck wants to read all of that  Annoyed Picard
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