And then they said

and then I said "We will adopt a rounding scheme in converting course percentages to course letter grades"

and then I said

and then i said... "all midterms will be on the monday after Picnic Day!"

and then i said...

and then I said... "that there will be no problems with LABFIZ 3"

and then I said...

and then I said... "Simcity must be online due to serverside simulation"

and then I said...

y entonces les dije... abrire siiau a las 8

y entonces les dije... abrire siiau a las 8   And then they said

and then i said that universities respect the IB

and then i said that universities respect the IB   And then they said

And then he said Can I have some chiken

And then he said Can I have some chiken   And then they said

and then she said... top of her agenda is to help make federal government ministries more transparent

and then she said...  top of her agenda is to help make federal government ministries more transparent   And then they said

and then they said... the family court will punish the perjurer

and then they said... the family court will punish the perjurer   And then they said

and then we said service will be back online soon

and then we said service will be back online soon   And then they said
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