Alpha Boyfriend

Honey the kids are asleep do you want to come to bed with me? yes.

Honey the kids are asleep do you want to come to bed with me?  yes.  Alpha Boyfriend

I caught a Pikachu for you dear Yeah, with my Master Ball!!!

I caught a Pikachu for you dear Yeah, with my Master Ball!!!  Alpha Boyfriend

You need to treat me like Mikael Ok, bro.

You need to treat me like Mikael Ok, bro.  Alpha Boyfriend

(x + 3)(x - 3) = (x^2 - 3x + 3x - 9) (x^2 - 9)!!!

(x + 3)(x - 3) = (x^2 - 3x + 3x - 9) (x^2 - 9)!!!  Alpha Boyfriend

kam dhe une te drejtat e mia zgjohu njehere, mos me fol sonambul

kam dhe une te drejtat e mia zgjohu njehere, mos me fol sonambul  Alpha Boyfriend

I thought we could do something outside the kitchen today. No.

I thought we could do something outside the kitchen today. No.  Alpha Boyfriend

honey, i think you have a drug problem Weed is NOT a drug

honey, i think you have a drug problem Weed is NOT a drug  Alpha Boyfriend

Let's go on a walk Diego I don't think you won those tickets There is always hope!

Let's go on a walk Diego I don't think you won those tickets There is always hope!  Alpha Boyfriend

I want to be the mother of your children

I want to be the mother of your children   Alpha Boyfriend

Alex I forgot to capitalize the M in "Iron-Man" HERETIC!!!!

Alex I forgot to capitalize the M in
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