Almost Politically Correct Redneck

What's the deal with using Mexican workers Puerto ricans work just as well

What's the deal with using Mexican workers Puerto ricans work just as well  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

Son, I don't care if your girlfriend is "special" as long as she can count to potato

Son, I don't care if your girlfriend is

Black girls are hot I'm just 'fraid of catching one of those nigger diseases

Black girls are hot I'm just 'fraid of catching one of those nigger diseases  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

mouth breathing is more efficient

mouth breathing is more efficient  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

people need to learn that not all towel heads are muslim

people need to learn that not all towel heads are muslim  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

Just because you're black doesn't mean you are an idiot

Just because you're black doesn't mean you are an idiot  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

I have no problem with dem queermosexuals

I have no problem with dem queermosexuals  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

You're South Korean? Is that the good one or the bad one?

You're South Korean? Is that the good one or the bad one?  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

introduces everyone to new black friend using name of different black friend

introduces everyone to new black friend using name of different black friend  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

Of course they should be allowed in how else is peoples lawns s'posed to get mowed?

Of course they should be allowed in how else is peoples lawns s'posed to get mowed?  Almost Politically Correct Redneck
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