Almost Politically Correct Redneck

i have sex with sheep skin condoms ever since i found out that i'm allergic to latex.

i have sex with sheep skin condoms ever since i found out that i'm allergic to latex.  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

I like blacks, they can be such nice folk it's niggers that I hate

I like blacks, they can be such nice folk it's niggers that I hate  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

I have nothing against black people i'm just afraid of them

I have nothing against black people i'm just afraid of them  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

I wouldn't respect any woman that liked my mullet Heh

I wouldn't respect any woman that liked my mullet Heh  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

the bible is 100% accurate it says so in the bible

the bible is 100% accurate it says so in the bible  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

at least mentally challenged people have an excuse for being retarded

at least mentally challenged people have an excuse for being retarded  Almost Politically Correct Redneck


WE'RE OKIES MAN, WE WEAR SOCKS!  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

stereotypes are bullshit except for chinks being bad drivers, that one is totally real

stereotypes are bullshit  except for chinks being bad drivers, that one is totally real  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

Kitsune's name is Randal

Kitsune's name is Randal  Almost Politically Correct Redneck

Thai ain't the only one's that eat dogs all asians do, fucking racist

Thai ain't the only one's that eat dogs all asians do, fucking racist  Almost Politically Correct Redneck
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