Advice God

read the whole bible before accusing me of not being real Or i'll smite your jk i love you

read the whole bible before accusing me of not being real Or i'll smite your jk i love you  Advice God

My son and I love the little children. My dedicated staff members REALLY love the little children, entirely too much.

My son and I love the little children. My dedicated staff members REALLY love the little children, entirely too much.  Advice God

gives humans superior reasoning capablilities Why are they trying to think for themselves?

gives humans superior reasoning capablilities Why are they trying to think for themselves?  Advice God

Forbids Adultery Impregnates Mary

Forbids Adultery Impregnates Mary  Advice God

goddammit who ordered pizza!?

goddammit who ordered pizza!?  Advice God

Jesus, Heal thyself And stop dropping M&Ms

Jesus, Heal thyself And stop dropping M&Ms  Advice God

create man in my own image unnattractive to almost every female

create man in my own image unnattractive to almost every female  Advice God

My greatest creation ever , intelligent extraterrestrial life!, A larger and more ferocious creature then the ones I made for earth in my image ........... When will humans finally learn they are being grown for food??.

My greatest creation ever , intelligent extraterrestrial life!, A larger and more ferocious creature then the ones I made for earth in my image ........... When will humans finally learn they are being grown for food??.  Advice God

Abramo,Prendi il tuo unico figlio che ami, Isacco, e offrilo in olocausto su di un monte che io ti indichero' SCHERZETTO!!! (che Burlone!!)

Abramo,Prendi il tuo unico figlio che ami, Isacco, e offrilo in olocausto su di un monte che io ti indichero' SCHERZETTO!!! 
(che Burlone!!)  Advice God


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