Advice God

Give man the truth liberals will ignore it

Give man the truth liberals will ignore it  Advice God

Thou shalt have no other god but me Got that, bitch?

Thou shalt have no
other god but me Got that, bitch?    Advice God

help winning sports team hurt losing sports team

help winning sports team hurt losing sports team  Advice God

Worship the only true God Ignore those that predate me!

Worship the only true God Ignore those that predate me!  Advice God

Turn the other cheek! Here's the jawbone of an ass. Mow kick some!

Turn the other cheek! Here's the jawbone of an ass.  Mow kick some!  Advice God

Believe in the all mighty one make him invisible

Believe in the all mighty one  make him invisible   Advice God

Makes polygamy a sin Helps found Mormonism

Makes polygamy a sin Helps found Mormonism  Advice God

Helping Load Toad with his vocabulary Forget Middle East problems!

Helping Load Toad with his vocabulary Forget  Middle East problems!  Advice God

Make moses lead his chosen people Split the sea and drown egyptian army... still Moses walks in circle in the desert for over 40 years lol

Make moses lead his chosen people Split the sea and drown egyptian army... still Moses walks in circle in the desert for over 40 years lol  Advice God

i watch fox news because it's fucking hilarious

i watch fox news because it's fucking hilarious  Advice God
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