Advice God

unnatural: homosexuals natural: walking on water, talking snakes, parting oceans, and rising from the dead

unnatural: homosexuals natural: walking on water, talking snakes, parting oceans, and rising from the dead  Advice God

all-powerful by design republican by choice

all-powerful by design republican by choice  Advice God

I have the same haircut as the ancient aliens guy you do the math

I have the same haircut as the ancient aliens guy you do the math  Advice God

Behold my infallible creation also, your main light source gives you cancer

Behold my infallible creation also, your main light source gives you cancer  Advice God

Behold my infallible creation also, your main light source gives you cancer

Behold my infallible creation also, your main light source gives you cancer  Advice God

Says good men will be found in all corners of earth Makes earth round

Says good men will be found in all corners of earth Makes earth round  Advice God

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I DID!!!

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I DID!!!  Advice God

All knowing, All powerful, All perfect. Depicted as a male figure.

All knowing, All powerful, All perfect. Depicted as a male figure.  Advice God

Thou shalt not worship other gods Jesus.

Thou shalt not worship other gods Jesus.  Advice God

Condemns you to a life of sin Punishes you in your afterlife for sinning

Condemns you to a life of sin Punishes you in your afterlife for sinning   Advice God
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