Actual Advice Mallard

Don't murder People

 Don't murder People  Actual Advice Mallard

wash your pillowcases often it cuts down on acne significantly.

wash your pillowcases often it cuts down on acne significantly.  Actual Advice Mallard

Got big tits and want upvotes? Dress up like a video game character

Got big tits and want upvotes? Dress up like a video game character  Actual Advice Mallard

If you are in middle school get off of reddit and enjoy youth

If you are in middle school get off of reddit and enjoy youth  Actual Advice Mallard

Keep a spare change of clothes in your car

Keep a spare change of clothes in your car  Actual Advice Mallard

If you're buying a pc from Dell/HP/Lenovo always get the business class unit It comes with significantly less bloatware and useless apps that companies pay to have put on consumer machines which make it run like crap

If you're buying a pc from Dell/HP/Lenovo always get the business class  unit It comes with significantly less bloatware and useless apps that companies pay to have put on consumer machines which make it run like crap  Actual Advice Mallard

Most people on reddit Are too young to give good advice

Most people on reddit Are too young to give good advice  Actual Advice Mallard

YOU KNOW THOSE 'conventional oven' instructions you never read? Follow them. it takes forever, but everything tastes better from the oven

YOU KNOW THOSE 'conventional oven' instructions you never read? Follow them. it takes forever, but everything tastes better from the oven  Actual Advice Mallard



When you are sick Never trust a fart in a public place

When you are sick  Never trust a fart in a public place  Actual Advice Mallard
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