Actual Advice Mallard

Out of AA Batteries? Use AAA batteries with tin foil on the positive end

Out of AA Batteries? Use AAA batteries with tin foil on the positive end  Actual Advice Mallard

during a heavy night of drinking, drink 1 glass of water between every alcoholic drink. you will get drunk less quickly and will be hydrating yourself to eliminate a hangover the next day.

during a heavy night of drinking, drink 1 glass of water between every alcoholic drink.  you will get drunk less quickly and will be hydrating yourself to eliminate a hangover the next day.  Actual Advice Mallard

Having trouble getting enough sources for your paper or finding other related articles? Use the references of the sources you already have

Having trouble getting enough sources for your paper or finding other related articles? Use the references of the sources you already have  Actual Advice Mallard

If you use your bathroom mirror for selfies, stop

If you use your bathroom mirror for selfies, stop  Actual Advice Mallard

You can only make a decision based on what you know at the time Don't beat yourself up if it turned out not to be right because of things you didn't know.

You can only make a decision based on what you know at the time Don't beat yourself up if it turned out not to be right because of things you didn't know.  Actual Advice Mallard

to skip ads on youtube just type in "repeater" after youtube in the URL

to skip ads on youtube just type in

If someone offers you gum take it. they're not being generous they're telling you you have bad breath.

If someone offers you gum take it. they're not being generous they're telling you you have bad breath.  Actual Advice Mallard

when women do something unusual to you in bed they're showing you something they want you to do to them

when women do something unusual to you in bed they're showing you something they want you to do to them  Actual Advice Mallard

Don't fold your clothes when packing; Roll them It saves you a lot of space and prevents wrinkles

Don't fold your clothes when packing; Roll them It saves you a lot of space and prevents wrinkles  Actual Advice Mallard

If you are hungry try drinking water, you are most likely just thirsty

If you are hungry try drinking water, you are most likely just thirsty  Actual Advice Mallard
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