1890s Problems

I hate being a woman I have no rights

I hate being a woman I have no rights  1890s Problems

i got a big hairy beaver but i'm in the mood for racoon stew

i got a big hairy beaver but i'm in the mood for racoon stew  1890s Problems

telegrammed boyfriend Died of Tuberculosis before he responded.

telegrammed boyfriend Died of Tuberculosis before he responded.   1890s Problems

Mrs. McCain's baby is cuter than mine. He'll probably run for president or something.

Mrs. McCain's baby is cuter than mine. He'll probably run for president or something.  1890s Problems

turning 20 years old mid-life crisis

turning 20 years old mid-life crisis  1890s Problems

Kissed boyfriend Scurvy

Kissed boyfriend Scurvy  1890s Problems

i let billy see my knees

i let billy see my knees  1890s Problems

I wanted to see professor marvel but he flew away in a balloon

I wanted to see professor marvel but he flew away in a balloon  1890s Problems

went to dentist pulled all my teeth

went to dentist pulled all my teeth  1890s Problems

husband takes fashion advice from sherlock holmes

husband takes fashion advice from sherlock holmes  1890s Problems
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