10 Guy

kissing is just sucking on a long tube with poo at the end

kissing is just sucking on a long tube with poo at the end  10 Guy

man... HOW COOL WOULD IT BE IF THEY MADE life sized hot wheels

HOW COOL WOULD IT BE  IF THEY MADE life sized hot wheels  10 Guy

Funkcije su, kao Isto sto i nizovi

Funkcije su, kao Isto sto i nizovi  10 Guy

I hate when I think so hard that it comes out

I hate when I think so hard that it comes out  10 Guy

I love the smell Of the color nine

I love the smell Of the color nine  10 Guy

Lasagna It's just spaghetti cake!

Lasagna It's just spaghetti cake!
  10 Guy

officer, the only reason i was speeding was because born in the usa was on

officer, the only reason i was speeding was because born in the usa was on  10 Guy

How would you like your eggs? Hashbrowns

How would you like your eggs? Hashbrowns  10 Guy

Your orgasms are like leprechauns but I'm getting better at catching them.

Your orgasms are like leprechauns but I'm getting better at catching them.  10 Guy

What if god is real bUT HE'S AN atheist

What if god is real  bUT HE'S AN atheist  10 Guy
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