10 Guy



hey, can i have a slice of Pepsi? oh sorry i meant coke

hey, can i have a slice of Pepsi? oh sorry i meant coke  10 Guy

A Volcano erupting Is like the Earth farting

A Volcano erupting Is like the Earth farting  10 Guy

Gets sworn at Tells you to suck a fuck

Gets sworn at Tells you to suck a fuck  10 Guy

Farts in the car lowers the radio

Farts in the car lowers the radio  10 Guy

where was steve? "where woof steve?"

where was steve?

I feel like I'm blacking out every few seconds But instead of seeing black, I see a beige color just like my eyelids

I feel like I'm blacking out every few seconds But instead of seeing black, I see a beige color just like my eyelids   10 Guy

Gets high and Watches Inglorious BASTERDS Becomes Quentin Tarantino

Gets high and Watches Inglorious BASTERDS Becomes Quentin Tarantino  10 Guy

"Whats your favorite flavor?" "ice cream"

You ever put a CD in the microwave? Shits awesome......

You ever put a CD in the microwave? Shits awesome......  10 Guy
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