10 Guy

"Dude it's so pleasant out right-side!"

*burp* bless you

*burp*  bless you  10 Guy

I feel bad for medieval people They didn't have taco bell

I feel bad for medieval people They didn't have taco bell   10 Guy

Nicely done If I could, I'd buy you a fucking waterfall

Nicely done If I could, I'd buy you a fucking waterfall  10 Guy

Dude, I can't find my keys Call it

Dude, I can't find my keys Call it  10 Guy

you know a womb would be great to hotbox

you know a womb would be great to hotbox  10 Guy

is it just me or has the font on facebook gotten bigger?

is it just me or has the font on facebook gotten bigger?   10 Guy

fuck God That's how Jesus was born

fuck God That's how Jesus was born  10 Guy

It's Like Frosty the Snowman, is shitting in my hand...

It's Like Frosty the Snowman, is shitting in my hand...  10 Guy

Waitress asks, "Soup or salad?" What's a super salad

Waitress asks,
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