10 Guy

Stares at black tv screen for hours that was good movie

Stares at black tv screen for hours that was good movie  10 Guy

And what would you like to drink? No thanks, I'll just have one

And what would you like to drink? No thanks, I'll just have one  10 Guy

25 or 6 to 4

 25 or 6 to 4  10 Guy

Puts pizza in oven stares at empty microwave for 20 minutes

Puts pizza in oven stares at empty microwave for 20 minutes  10 Guy

Are you here for the Taco Bell or KFC? yes Caption 3 goes here

Are you here for the Taco Bell or KFC? yes Caption 3 goes here  10 Guy

Can't tell if frozen pizza is burning or freezing finger leans ear in closer

Can't tell if frozen pizza is burning or freezing finger leans ear in closer  10 Guy

Guys if you wanna be my blunt You gotta smoke my friends

Guys if you wanna be my blunt You gotta smoke my friends  10 Guy

I can see the light everywhere you turn around

I can see the light  everywhere you turn around  10 Guy

It's like The Beverly Hills of California

It's like The Beverly Hills of California  10 Guy

Dude it's getting really loud... I have to empty my pockets

Dude it's getting really loud... I have to empty my pockets  10 Guy
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