10 Guy

Buys Law Runes for Camelot Teleport Training Walks to Camelot

Buys Law Runes for Camelot Teleport Training Walks  to Camelot  10 Guy

they should have smellavision

they should have smellavision  10 Guy

all i had to eat this morning was a bowl pack

all i had to eat this morning was a bowl pack  10 Guy

I can see all the colours of the wind On the ceiling

I can see all the colours of the wind On the ceiling  10 Guy

Uses beer as ashtray drinks it.

Uses beer as ashtray drinks it.  10 Guy

I love how farting Is gods way of saying you need to shit

I love how farting Is gods way of saying you need to shit   10 Guy

"Hey Guys Let's Play Halo" Grabs Nintendo 64 controller

shit i forgot my id can i borrow yours?

shit i forgot my id can i borrow yours?  10 Guy

paper or plastic? Cash

paper or plastic? Cash   10 Guy

Do Burning blueberries smell like burning blueberries?

Do Burning blueberries smell like burning blueberries?  10 Guy
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