10 Guy

Dude, burps are like... face farts.

Dude, burps are like... face farts.  10 Guy

3000 Words i dont even know 3000 words

3000 Words i dont even know 3000 words  10 Guy

What if burgers and fries switched places So you got one big fry and a bunch of tiny burgers

What if burgers and fries switched places So you got one big fry and a bunch of tiny burgers  10 Guy

WHERE IS MY PHONE? Oh its in my hand

WHERE IS MY PHONE? Oh its in my hand  10 Guy

Are you going to stay? not yet

Are you going to stay? not yet  10 Guy

Make sure to watch it like a dog on ice

Make sure to watch it like a dog on ice  10 Guy

Needs to maximize window F5!

Needs to maximize window F5!  10 Guy

Hey Can I get 10 fries

Hey Can I get 10 fries  10 Guy

Dude Put on some more Black eyed keys

Dude Put on some more Black eyed keys  10 Guy

Officer asks "how high are you" "no officer it's hi how are you"

Officer asks
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