10 Guy

Country of Origin Yes

Country of Origin  Yes  10 Guy

talking is like reading out loud

talking is like reading out loud  10 Guy

your hair is just a head beard

your hair is just a head beard  10 Guy

This room Looks like it belongs to a homeless man

This room Looks like it belongs to a homeless man  10 Guy

Dude, socks are like mittens for your feet

Dude, socks are like mittens for your feet  10 Guy

Raking the Lawn is like combing the earth

Raking the Lawn is like combing the earth  10 Guy

Dude, they give you a daily gift every day

Dude, they give you a daily gift every day  10 Guy

Dude can you turn down Your engine

Dude can you turn down Your engine  10 Guy

Thinking Is just reading your own mind

Thinking Is just reading your own mind  10 Guy

What flavour is this orange?

What flavour is this orange?
  10 Guy
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