10 Guy

Dude its getting really hungry in here

Dude its getting really hungry in here  10 Guy

What would you like to drink? "Large"

What would you like to drink?

Fuck man, I feel like I'm getting a hug from a great big bear

Fuck man, I feel like I'm getting a hug from a great big bear  10 Guy

grass is like earth hair

grass is like earth hair  10 Guy

IF I have 3 colors Rainbow

IF I have 3 colors Rainbow  10 Guy

This is a really long commercial

This is a really long commercial  10 Guy

A McChicken Sandwich Is Like a Big Chicken Nugget, in a Sandwich

A  McChicken Sandwich Is Like a Big Chicken Nugget, in a  Sandwich
  10 Guy

What are you from [1] - [10] bro? i'm stoned

What are you from           [1] - [10] bro? i'm stoned  10 Guy

If you give a man a hamburger, he will eat for a day If you teach a man to hamburger, he will live forever

If you give a man a hamburger, he will eat for a day If you teach a man to hamburger, he will live forever  10 Guy

It's too bright in here, turn the music down.

It's too bright in here, turn the music down.  10 Guy
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