10 Guy

Dude I am like carpets right nwo

Dude I am like carpets right nwo  10 Guy

Drug Test? For Sure! what are we testing?

Drug Test? For Sure! what are we testing?  10 Guy

I'm about to die A couple times

I'm about to die A couple times  10 Guy

I have drinkin Plants

I have drinkin Plants  10 Guy

He's so high his eyes aren't even red

He's so high his eyes aren't even red  10 Guy

"Dude" "This rain smells really wet"

Socks are like Foot condoms

Socks are like  Foot condoms   10 Guy

"What flavour is that?" Red

what are the lyrics to the alphabet

what are the lyrics to the alphabet  10 Guy

Hey, it´s 2:01 am It´s like James Bond, but not

Hey, it´s 2:01 am It´s like James Bond,
but not  10 Guy
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