10 Guy

Gets text Replies outloud

Gets text Replies outloud  10 Guy

Dude Spoons are just mini bowls on sticks

Dude Spoons are just mini bowls on sticks  10 Guy

Dude I swear to GOD Like, I can feel my teeth

Dude I swear to GOD Like, I can feel my teeth  10 Guy

Uses torch lighter to half melt ice cube; touchs it Oww it's hot

Uses torch lighter to half melt ice cube; touchs it Oww it's hot  10 Guy

"He Went to school in omaha, correct? Which High School? "Yeah"

Happy Birthday! "Thanks you too!"

Happy Birthday!

Donuts Are just cake bagels

Donuts Are just cake bagels   10 Guy

have you ever said something, but you finished saying it before you did, so it was like you said it twice?

have you ever said something, but you finished saying it before you did, so it was like you said it twice?  10 Guy

every time i blink it sounds like little puppies clapping

every time i blink  it sounds like little puppies clapping  10 Guy

What other flavors Of pizza do you have?

What other flavors Of pizza do you have?  10 Guy
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