10 Guy

If we all had octopus tentacles as arms We could have 1 of every chocolate in the box

If we all had octopus tentacles as arms We could have 1 of every chocolate in the box  10 Guy

guys im going to take a wiz... ...Khalifa

guys im going to take a wiz... ...Khalifa  10 Guy

whats all this about surveillance? why would nasa want that information anyway

whats all this about surveillance? why would nasa want that information anyway  10 Guy

What if for 1 hour our hands and feet changed position? wow

What if for 1 hour our hands and feet changed position? wow  10 Guy

socks are like feet underwear

socks are like feet underwear  10 Guy

Chicken Pot Pie those are my three favorite things

Chicken Pot Pie those are my three favorite things  10 Guy

Toothbrushes are tiny brooms for your mouth

Toothbrushes are tiny brooms for your mouth  10 Guy

"the music's too loud!" covers eyes

Guys We're out of bong

Guys We're out of bong  10 Guy

Dude, my blood's like pumping to the beat of the song...

Dude, my blood's like pumping to the beat of the song...  10 Guy
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