10 Guy

What kind of ice-cream do you want? Chocolate vanilla squirrel

What kind of ice-cream do you want? Chocolate vanilla squirrel  10 Guy

how do edibles work? you eat one 3o min later you like oh hell yeah i have brownies... now your fucked

how do edibles work? you eat one 3o min later you like oh hell yeah i have brownies...
now your fucked  10 Guy

gets up from watching a 2 hour movie "how do i walk?"

gets up from watching a 2 hour movie

what scares sharks? Sea-stone tiles

what scares sharks? Sea-stone tiles  10 Guy

that picture does look like its a real picture

that picture does look like its a real picture  10 Guy

I think the better question is Were are his toes?

I think the better question is Were are his toes?  10 Guy

Guys hurry! The water is going to melt!

Guys hurry! The water is going to melt!  10 Guy

Mr. Walkway lead ME to the building.. fuck you

Mr.  Walkway lead ME to the building.. fuck you  10 Guy

Dude i wasnt that drunk? you were shouting out, fuck howick we botany..

Dude i wasnt that drunk? you were shouting out, fuck howick we botany..  10 Guy

Fries or tots Medium

Fries or tots Medium  10 Guy
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